Services Homeglitz

Firstly, keeping a clean and organized home is essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. However, with the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding the considerable time and dedication for regular cleaning can be challenging.

Therefore, we specialize in recurring home clean services for busy professionals and stay-at-home parents alike. HomeGlitz offers weekly, fortnightly, or monthly professional home cleaning services in Perth, Australia. We are your one-stop solution for keeping your home spotless!

Recurring Home Clean Services

  • What is the ideal timing to schedule Recurring Cleaning?

    Though keeping your home clean and organized is essential, scheduling individual cleaning sessions can be a hassle. That's where HomeGlitz comes to the rescue with their exceptional recurring cleans. Likewise, we understand that scheduling individual cleaning appointments can be time-consuming and inconvenient. Therefore, with our recurring cleans, we take care of the hassle for you. Whether you require weekly, fortnightly, or monthly cleaning services, HomeGlitz offers a flexible schedule that suits YOUR time. Therefore, we suggest no more scrambling to find available time slots or trying to coordinate with busy cleaners. Moreover, with our recurring service, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a reliable and consistent cleaning team.

  • How to book our services?

    Easy Peasy! Our website has a fully customizable booking form for recurring clean services. With our user-friendly online booking tool, you have the flexibility to select your preferred day and time, as well as the frequency of the cleaning with standard cleaning inclusions, depending on your specific needs. Our comprehensive checklist of cleaning tasks provides all the information you need to understand the standard inclusions of the recurring cleaning service. Likewise, if you are looking for regular maintenance cleaning, it essentially covers all the crucial cleaning tasks to keep your living space in great shape! To book, simply click *here* (Anchor link). Simply enter the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and contact details and book your home cleaner in SECONDS!

  • What our service includes:

    When you opt for HomeGlitz's recurring home cleaning service, you can rest assured that every room in your home will receive the care it needs! Let's take a closer look at what our service includes, as outlined in our checklist:

    For BEDROOMS, our team will vacuum carpets, mop hard floors, wipe surfaces, and dust all areas. Similarly, we pay special attention to skirting boards, window sills, ceiling fans, and shelves, ensuring that no speck of dust is left behind. Specifically, cleaning both the inside and outside of cabinets, as well as blinds and windows, we leave no surface untouched. Additionally, wall marks receive spot cleaning, while exhaust fans are given a thorough clean.

    For BATHROOMS and LAUNDRY areas, HomeGlitz will thoroughly clean toilets, showers, baths, sinks, and mirrors, leaving them sparkling and sanitized. No more worries about the grime in the toilet and laundry!